Inspirational Leadership

What is our definition of Inspirational Leadership ?

“To guide others through example and fill them with joy, confidence and purpose in route towards success” - CDLF

Your definition may be slightly different. But heres our take. We believe the premise of Inspirational Leadership lies in being genuine. On this we must agree. Team members will not respond unless it is, again genuine. A wide range of actions and things must happen before your voice is heard without you saying a single word. An innate desire must burn inside you to care for others.  

The easiest way to describe this would be to share a couple of real examples, I experienced with my teams as a Food and Beverage Director over the years. I cannot express how much I truly miss them and how much, I appreciate everything, I learned from them. I have learned these experiences were never about me, but rather about the team and Managers who made an impact on me and those whom they served. 

After joining the team, I was quick to observe and not speak. I showed up prior to my team and left after. This gave me the opportunity to prepare and lead by example. It allowed me to review and take notes fresh off my head to improve on the following day. 

Upon my first meeting, the first thing I did was create a document asking my team members and colleagues some questions to get to know them better. To name a few here are some examples of such questions.

  1. What makes you smile?

  2. What is your favorite song?

  3. What is your goal in life ? How might this job facilitate or get you one step closer to reaching that goal?

  4. Favorite menu item item and why?

  5. Area where you feel you could improve ?

  6. Compliment a colleague on a work quality or performance you think they could help others improve on.

It was an amazing exercise, I could not believe how well the team responded. I showed a genuine desire to understand who they were prior to me asking anything of them, which was key to our success.

Throughout this experience, I learned a server’s dream was to open a bakery. I took a university book I had regarding such and gifted it.

I understood why it was important for one of our servers to leave at a specific time. He had small children without anyone looking after them and paying extra hours for a Nanny would not allow the server to make rent.

A dishwasher wanted to become a cook. I spoke with the Chef and inquired if he could teach him to chuck oysters, plate desserts for a few hours a week on the slower day. You get the picture.

Line-ups or Pre-shift meetings were my stage and my team was my audience. I would print out teamwork quotes for everyone to read out loud. Everyone was involved. We started explaining the why of everything as much as possible. “Here’s why it is vital that we confirm reservations” We turned a dreaded meeting used in the past to whiplash Team members, and asking more of them, to an opportunity to learn. 

We’d bring bottle openers and ask wine makers to talk about wine and re-educate on how to open a bottle. The dishwashers and cooks were now part of line up. No longer would the Chef explain the specials, cooks had the opportunity to present their special after working with the Chef. Bartenders had the opportunity to create the drink of the day. We focused on empathy by having line up on different parts of the operation. Bringing other departments in, to perform Dual Q & A, thus understanding and most importantly appreciating the role of others.

I inherited a talented team, reignited their passion and added talent. We changed the culture. My interactions with the team members inspired other Managers. They too brought in ideas and made a difference. 

My first ask of my managers is to show gratitude and ask the team members simple questions prior to asking anything else of them. 

  • How are you today?

  • Thank you for coming.

  • Very much appreciate your support.

  • Is there anything you need my assistance with?

  • Are you missing any tools that could facilitate you?

Our team was made up of numerous nationalities and that made us stronger, versatile, and more empathetic to guests and others.

I lead my team by example. I never asked anyone to do anything I would not do myself. I shared my weaknesses and highlighted individuals and fellow Managers who I respected for being talented in such way. Expressing that we all needed each other to be successful.

Our team increased revenue & profits, guest satisfaction, employee morale and percentage of in-house promotions. In addition, we also reduced employee turnover and Food and Beverage complaints. 

It was a fascinating experience and one I will forever cherish. I learned one must be flexible to understand how to correct opportunities of growth in order to be successful. On a closing note, I’ll share my personal quote. “We are good at what we do, but FANTASTIC when we do it together”
